Spotlight on
Accomplishment comes in different forms, and we at Bais Yaakov Machon Chen help our girls to succeed in many areas, preparing them for life way beyond school.
“Machon Chen believes that you should reach for the stars, in Kodesh and Secular Studies. We strive for excellence in all subjects and provide students with the tools – both spiritual and material – to face their future with confidence and humility. Graduates look back at MC as their most challenging and growth-oriented school years.”
Mrs. H. Weisz,
BY Machon Chen teacher

Judaic Studies: Transmitting Our Heritage
The Judaic Studies department plans ahead! Recognizing that our students are on the brink of adulthood, with a foot still firmly planted at home, our talented and creative teachers nurture their souls with enriching and challenging classes on a wide range of topics, emphasizing Tanach, Hashkafah, Halachah, and Middos (character) development. Our girls gain an understanding of their responsibilities to Hashem, to others, and to themselves. They acquire skills on a high level and, at the end of their two years at Bais Yaakov Machon Chen, are fully prepared for further education and life beyond.
Students can receive B.A. college credits for many of the Judaic Studies courses.
The Judaic Studies/Kodesh Curriculum:
Chovos Halevavos (Duties of the Heart)
In Chovos Halevavos, we learn Shaar Habitachon, uncovering strategies to develop ourselves in bitachon, as a guidepost for our daily lives.
Chumash (Bible)
Students study Chumash in depth with Rashi and other traditional meforshim, with emphasis on Jewish values for life.
Eishes Chayil (Women in the Bible)
The Midrash Mishlei on Eishes Chayil identifies different women through each possuk (verse). These personalities are brought to life through their sources in Tanach and Midrash, and serve as role models for our students.
GPS (Technology)
In today’s age of technology, our students are faced with a new array of challenges. This course gives them a better understanding of dangers and pitfalls, the social impact and the tools to overcome these hurdles and to make guided decisions according to the Torah perspective.
Haftorah (Topics in Prophets)
The study of the weekly Haftorah includes delving into key meforshim to understand the portion and see its connection to the parshah read that week. Emphasis is placed on gaining hashkafic insights and using them in real life situations.
Halachah (Jewish Law)
We focus on the obligations of women, tefillah, Shabbos, and the basic halachos for the Jewish woman and the Jewish home. We discuss halachos pertaining to monetary topics and the workforce. Daily learning of Shmiras Haloshon impresses upon the students the power of speech.
Hashkafah (Jewish Philosophy)
Hashkafah courses are based on the Jewish calendar and key Jewish concepts. We impart knowledge and ethical understanding to our students, encouraging them in their personal and spiritual growth and helping them to make good choices. We emphasize using Torah as a guide for life and for leading their homes accordingly.
Jewish History
Our Jewish History course covers a period of almost 5,800 years. We learn about events from a Jewish perspective, such as gaining insight into Divine Providence (Hashgachah Pratis) for the Jewish nation. The Holocaust course goes beyond factual history, emphasizing the dedication and moral strength of Jews throughout the generations.
Koheles (Ecclesiastes)
In our Koheles classes, we delve into the depth of Shlomo Hamelechs’ teachings, gaining insight into the real value of life. These timeless words guide us to use our time in this world to fulfil our special purpose for which we were created.
Kuzari (Book of the Khazar)
Our study of the Sefer Kuzari with meforshim covers the fundamentals of our emunah. We give our students strong support in their search for the right path in life.
Meforshim (Biblical Exegesis)
The aim of the Meforshim course is to broaden the student’s horizon in the wide spectrum of Jewish thought, while teaching them the skills to read and understand the original sources in Loshon Kodesh (Hebrew).
Megillah (Scrolls)
We study Megillas Esther and Megillas Rus with Rashi, based on students’ preparation. Further development with meforshim and midrashim extract lessons to help guide us in everyday life.
Mishlei (Book of Proverbs)
We gain insights from the wisdom of Shlomo Hamelech contained in the pesukim of Mishlei. These lessons provide us with the proper perspective to face daily challenges and strive for a more elevated and focused life.
Novi (Prophets)
We study Sefer Melochim (Book of Kings) in depth with commentaries. This course emphasizes the lessons and ethics of the timeless words of the Prophets, applying them to our daily life.
Parshas Hashavua (Weekly Bible Reading)
We learn the weekly parshah with Rashi, based on students’ preparation. A concept or topic is explored in depth, providing valuable lessons for our day-to-day lives.
Pirkei Avos (Ethics of the Fathers)
Through the lessons of Pirkei Avos, students absorb the teachings of our Sages and are able to apply these lessons in daily life, becoming better people with better middos (character traits).
Tefillah (Liturgy)
In our Tefillah course, we learn the translation and explore the deeper meaning of our tefillos (prayers), concentrating on the Morning Blessings (Birkas Hashachar). Our goal is for every girl to consider tefillah a privilege and to know that she can turn to Hashem at any time.
Tehillim (Psalms)
In our Tehillim classes we study together several chapters in depth. Textual analysis and commentaries are accompanied by music and song. We aim to give the girls a lasting appreciation of the beauty of Torah, avodah, and gemillas chassadim, as expressed in the words of Dovid Hamelech.
Tzohar (Inner Beauty of the Jewish Woman)
In Tzohar, we learn about the depth and beauty of the mitzvah of tznius. The girls study the applicable halachos and gain an appreciation of the value of their inner selves.

“Machon Chen challenged me to change from mediocre to excellent – graduating from a most challenging seminary and acquiring a B.A. degree, all in a warm and caring atmosphere. I will always consider myself an MCer!”
BY Machon Chen graduate
Machon Chen gave me a warm and caring family, which brought out my potential in every sense. I loved being in this wonderful school! A lot of my classes in MC were necessary for my later studies and a good deal of what I learned in MC is useful at my job in a real estate office. More than one Kodesh lesson remains fresh in my mind, and a lot more that have impressed me subconsciously. And now, more than seven years after I graduated, I am still having private Kodesh lessons with one of my MC teachers.”
BY Machon Chen graduate

Secular Studies:
Gaining Skills and Opening Opportunities for the Future Market
Bais Yaakov Machon Chen’s Secular Studies department offers a high-end secular program within the school’s framework, training our students to think strategically, learn independently, and equip themselves to enter the job market.
All students obtain a Swiss Business Diploma (VSH), and earn internationally recognized certificates in Business, Computer Sciences, Graphics, Languages (German, English, and Hebrew), Mathematics and Sciences. As an English AQA and Edexcel/Pearson testing center, our GCSE and A-level qualifications lead to an English Matriculation. Through partnerships with Maalot Yerushalayim, Excelsior College, and Thomas Edison State University, nearly one hundred (out of the required one hundred and twenty) college credits can be earned toward a B.A. college degree.
The General Studies Curriculum
Students at Bais Yaakov Machon Chen gain a high level of proficiency in three languages (English, Hebrew, and German), expertise in Informatics, and extensive Mathematics knowledge.
Computer Science
In computer science, students in their Junior year complete the European Computer Driving License (ECDL), covering computer theory, databases, and information and communication. In their Senior year, in the ECDL Advanced course, the students learn word processing, spreadsheets, database, and presentation at an advanced level. The students independently create a computerized business solution.
In our English classes, we prepare for the First Certificate of English (FCE) or the Cambridge Advanced Examination (CAE). The English GCSE course teaches students to write coherently and effectively, using appropriate grammar and syntax. Students are trained to use diverse writing techniques for multiple purposes. Emphasis is on both creative and transactional writing. This course also awards credits toward a B.A. college degree. Additionally, each girl reads three books, one each in fiction, non-fiction, and a biography. She writes a book report on each one, analyzing it thoroughly.
Students gain expertise in written and oral German. Focus is placed on grammar, orthography, vocabulary, and stylistic expression. Students attain the English A-level exam for matriculation and can earn college-level B.A. credits through an external language examination.
Students learn Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Photoshop is a photo editing program, Illustrator is a program for creating drawings and illustrations, and InDesign is a program for creating flyers, brochures, newspapers, and books.
Mathematics classes cover a large range of college-level math and algebra topics including: sets, equation solving, exponents and radicals, graphs, functions, basic statistics, geometry, and logic. These Mathematics courses award an English GCSE and credits toward a B.A. college degree through an external accredited examination.
Modern Hebrew
Students gain competence in oral and written Hebrew, listening comprehension, and textual analysis. They learn to express themselves in grammatically correct syntax. Students attain an English GCSE or A-level and can earn college-level B.A. credits through an external language examination.
Commercial Business Studies
The Business Curriculum (VSH)
Swiss Business Diploma/Handelsdiplom HD (VSH):
The Swiss Business Diploma issued by the Swiss Business School Association (VSH) affirms a sound business knowledge and a fundamental commercial education. Subject areas are: Communication Skills, IT Skills, Office Skills, Finance Skills, Business Skills, and Personal Skills.
Communication Skills
Orthography, Punctuation, Dictionary and Thesaurus use, Oral and Written Communication
IT Skills
Data Management, Data Security, Data Protection, Copyright, Virus Protection, Web Browsing
Office Skills
Word Processing, PowerPoint Presentation, Online Essentials, Information Collaboration
Finance Skills
Introduction to Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Calculation Scheme, Foreign Currencies, Depreciation, VAT
Business Skills
Enterprise Models, Company Concepts and Strategies, Business Cycles, Marketing, Economic Policy, Globalization, Organization Structure, Insurance, Foundation of Business Law, Contract Theory
Personal Skills
Office Etiquette, Event Management, Presentation Skills
English GCSEs and A-level exams in this course of study lead to an English Matriculation.
Students can also receive B.A. college credits upon completion of this course of study.
Teacher Training Courses
This course covers the fundamentals of teaching in theory and aims to create an awareness of the special responsibility of teaching future generations. Topics include: Early Childhood Development, Classroom Management, Lesson Planning, Methodology, Special Education, Classroom Observation, and Model Lessons.
Early Childhood Development
In-depth coverage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory. The girls learn to recognize areas in need of enhancement and how to help the children develop through different approaches.
Classroom Management
Students learn and practice the tools of setting up and running a successful classroom.
Lesson Planning
Students learn to set short-term and long-term goals, and how to keep their students captivated.
Students gain insights into the different methods one can use in transmitting material.
Classroom Observation and Model Lessons
Students observe experienced teachers and prepare individual model lessons. This enables the girls to apply their knowledge practically.
The Psychology course is based on holistic psychotherapy (psycho = mind and therapy = treatment).
Topics include: basics of psychotherapy; identifying weaknesses and strengthening them; treating emotional problems like anger, anxiety, frustrations, and trauma; interpersonal conflicts; handling humiliation and self-rejection; OCD
Our students receive internationally recognized degrees and certificates:
- Business Diploma/Handelsdiplom HD VSH (Verband Schweizerischer Handelsschulen)
- Business GCSE/A-level (Edexcel Pearson International)
- College Mathematics CLEP (College Language Examination Proficiency)
- ECDL Core/Advanced ECDL (European Computer Driving License)
- Typing Certificate OCG (European Computer Driving License)
- Mathematics GCSE (Edexcel Pearson International)
- Science GCSE (Edexcel Pearson International)
- English Cambridge FCE/CAE/IELTS (The Cambridge Institute)
- English Language GCSE (Edexcel Pearson International)
- German Telc B1/B2/C1/C2 (The European Language Certificates)
- German Language A-level (Edexcel Pearson International)
- Modern German Language CLEP (College Language Examination Proficiency)
- Foreign Language Exams NYU (NYU Language Proficiency Exam)
- Modern Hebrew GCSE/A-level (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance)
- Modern Hebrew Maalot Yerushalayim (Maalot Yerushalayim)
- Modern Hebrew TTI (Testing and Training International)
- Jewish Subject Education TTI (Testing and Training International)
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) is a postsecondary baccalaureate degree. It is an internationally recognized qualification that puts a focus on liberal arts and studies. A total of 120 credits is required for a B.A. degree; B.Y. Machon Chen students can acquire 100 of these B.A. credits in conjunction with Maalot Yerushalayim. This degree gives students the chance to earn a higher salary or can be used as a stepping stone to further education. The Bachelor of Arts degree from MC’s B.A. program is currently awarded by Thomas Edison State University (www.tesu.edu) or Excelsior College (www.excelsior.edu). For more details, see our B.A. brochure.
English Matriculation
The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification obtained by secondary school students in a range of subjects. Five or more of these certificates are equivalent to a high-school diploma.
The A-level (Advanced level) qualification is a subject-related certificate that builds on the GCSE. The A-level awards are recognized worldwide and open the doors to further study, training, or employment.
An English Matriculation consists of 3 GCSEs and 3 A-levels. At B.Y. Machon Chen, a student can acquire at least 3 GCSEs and 1 A-level. These are building blocks toward completion of the Matriculation.
Certification Boards:
AQA / Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (www.aqa.org.uk)
Pearson—Edexcel International (www.qualifications.pearson.com)
“Bais Yaakov Machon Chen pushed me to learn and recognize my potential. The teachers are caring and there for you. B.Y. Machon Chen gives me, as a former student, a proud feeling that we have this school (which tries to give the best education possible) in little Zurich! It has definitely given me a sense of seriousness about studying and the curiosity and interest to explore and study more, which I would not have gotten anywhere else.”
Machon Chen graduate