Extracurricular Program:
Finding the Real You
The extracurricular department (G.O.) works hard at its job. Our girls have fun and learn at the same time. Creativity and expression are a strong focus in G.O., and all students get a chance to shine. Ongoing and deep friendships evolve from great teamwork. The atmosphere is warm and cheerful, strengthening individual talents and encouraging a healthy self-image.
“Spending two days with Bais Yaakov Machon Chen, I witnessed…the joy of Torah and the respect for each student. Each girl is dealt with as an individual. The message conveyed to each girl is: ‘You are special and valued.’”
Sara Yoheved Rigler,
After the B.Y. Machon Chen Shabbaton
Extracts From a G.O. Diary:

A Word from the
G.O. Coordinator
“The girls learn the meaning of a woman’s wisdom and how to cope with struggles. They see how a positive attitude brings about positive results and they gain personal freedom.”
Mrs. S. Eiger, G.O. Coordinator
Community Service
Machon Chen partners with home and community to develop well-rounded, caring, and responsible members of society. Students commit themselves to weekly public service in the community, reaching out to those in need, including large families, the elderly, and the infirm.
A Bais Yaakov Machon Chen student feels a deep commitment to self, family, and community.
“Fun – intense – meaningful in every way. Seemingly impossible – somehow achievable!”
Machon Chen graduate