"*" indicates required fields Welcome to Bais Yaakov Machon Chen’s ‘Tehillathon’! Feel the extraordinary power of תהלים together with us. Our students are saying תהלים not only for their families but also for yours, and כלל ישראל at large in today’s trying times. Join us in this special campaign. Take this opportunity to sponsor a student’s תהלים (per פרק); in return, she will include your designated names in her תפילות. Every time you sponsor a פרק, you not only receive ישועות through the תהלים, but also the peace of mind that your donation supports the חינוך and development of our students. Join the Tehillathon and experience the כח of shared תפילות for a better future!Name:* First Last Phone:*Email:* I would like to sponsor the following girl:Tehillim Name:Comments:Donation Amount* Credit Card Total Δ